Four participatory planning workshops have been successfully carried out in Burundi, on 22 – 23 November, by our team including Jerome A. Chenal (team leader), Elisa Maceratini (urban planner and GIS expert), Francois Ndabahagamye (environmentalist) and Chanel Sibomana (architect and urban planner).
The workshops have been held the framework of the preparation of the master plans of the four secondary cities of Cankuzo, Mwaro, Ruyigi and Rutana with the Office des Routes of the Ministère des transports, des travaux publics et de l’équipement and the Ministère de l’Eau, de l’Environnement, de l’Amenagement du Territoire et de l’Urbanisme of Burundi.
The workshops were attended by the representatives of lead ministries and main stakeholders of the four cities.
