On 15th-16th April in Maseru, Lesotho the Keios team, led by Peter Nizette, with Raffaele Gorjux and Mike Fabricius, gave the final presentation of the new national Tourism Policy, of the Tourism Development Areas Plans and of the Tourism Action Plan.

The workshop was chaired by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment and attended by representatives of the Government and of the private sector. The tourism development concepts were well received by the audience and a number of very fruitful discussions were carried out.

This has been the concluding milestone of the consulting services, started from Keios in November 2017 and developed through several stages, including a preliminary assessment of the tourism potential of Lesotho, the preparation of a revised legal framework, including the National Tourism Policy and Tourism Enterprises Act, the preparation of the National Tourism Master Plan and of the complementary Tourism Area Development Plans and of the Tourism Action Plan for effective implementation.

The activities are financially assisted by the African Development Bank.
